Positions available for team leadership
Interested in starting a team in your city? The ins and outs you'll need to know to get started.
Latinos Run is a leadership program for Men & Women in the United States and open to runners/ walkers of all levels. Launched in NYC our runners have taken part in our events from the East Cost to the West coast and even Latin America.
With runners connecting across the globe we know how much everyone would love to have a team in their city. Our Global Program invites runners of different levels to become Team Leaders.
Become an Ambassador or Team Leader
Who should apply?
Motivated Men or Women with a desire to help their community through Running and Fitness. Team leaders must be seasoned runners with over a year of running experience and at least a Full Marathon or two Half-Marathons completed.
All leaders must follow all Latinos Run club rules and guidelines and encourage their team through positive training. Leaders must also understand that our club is open to all levels so they must meet the LRC guidelines by providing safe and effective training to new and seasoned runners. We stand by our "No Runner Left Behind" policy as a way to grow our teams and encourage everyone to be more active.
Ambassadors must be active on social media (Facebook and Instagram) and have experience in connecting with the running community.
What are the expectations?
Latinos Run is a volunteer only program providing free running to the local community. Ambassadors/ Team Leaders are not paid but will have access to discounted gear, networking opportunities, free access to partnership programs and additional benefits and swag.
Ambassadors are expected to dedicate 1 day a month when starting out for a minimum of 2 hours. They must also commit to 1 hour of social media engagement a week and regular reminders of their upcoming events. All teams must maintain a weekly meetup once the teams are fully established.
We ask team leaders to attend all their group's practices, but in the event that a team Leader cannot make it, they must coordinate with the other team leaders to make sure someone is there to guide the team. There must be a team leader present at all group runs.
Latinos Run group runs are available all seasons of the year. In the event of a storm or unsafe conditions, Latinos Run event will be cancelled.
How to submit an application.
Applications should be submitted via our Leadership Request links below or email us at with the subject line "New Club". Please note, we are limited to the number of teams per year. Not all applicants will be approved.
Approval time
Give us a few weeks to get back to you. If selected to proceed with the next steps, we will schedule a call. If approved we'll help you get started as you begin to organizing your runs with your local community.
Please note that until approval, you are not permitted to use the Latinos Run name or Logo for promotional purposes without permission from our Corporate Office. Latinos Run, LLC owns the rights to all Latinos Run designs, logs, and events. Once you are officially approved, you will receive a guideline on how to use Latinos Run in future promotions.